316 The Parade, Kensington SA 5068
Ros Yuen Psychology

Expert Marriage and Couples Counselling in Leabrook

Revitalise and Build a Stronger Foundation for Your Relationship.

Seeking Guidance For Your Relationship

The realm of relationships is multifaceted, encompassing experiences that include both triumphs and tribulations. These bonds, essential yet demanding, often present couples with difficulties, whether from within or without.

Some issues can be overcome without any assistance, but others may persist and compound without the right kind of support. When problems become recurrent and seem unsolvable, it may be advisable to seek professional help.

relationship counselling Leabrook

Couples Counselling Leabrook

Understanding Couples Counselling

The goal of couples counselling is to empower partners with skills and techniques designed to tackle specific issues within their relationship. Typically, sessions are facilitated in person by a qualified relationship therapist.

Therapy may consist of one or multiple sessions, tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. In our first session, I will conduct a thorough assessment and create a personalised plan to address the challenges within your relationship or other areas of concern. It’s crucial to understand that relationship counselling services should be adaptable and flexible to accommodate your progress and growth.

Why Consider Marriage Counselling?

There are numerous reasons why you might opt for professional guidance concerning your relationship, which may not be limited to addressing a particular issue or mental health condition. You may seek experienced assistance in nurturing and bolstering your partnership.

On the other hand, there may be problems that require active focus to find improvement. No matter what your goal or reasons are, I can work with you towards improving your quality of life together.

Signs That May Indicate a Need to Seek Help

Challenges within relationships can manifest in various forms, tailored to each couple’s distinct needs and aspirations. While no two partners encounter identical issues, certain signs may indicate that therapy could be beneficial. 

These signs might encompass:

Ros Yuen Psychology
Ros Yuen Psychology

Secure your future together through personalised relationship counselling tailored to meet the unique needs of you and your partner.

When Should You Seek Couples Counselling?

Telltale signs that people will benefit from couples counselling include:

A well-trained relationship psychologist can support you in shifting unhealthy dynamics in your marriage and relationship. It may seem intimidating or uncomfortable sharing your concerns with someone you do not know, but accredited counsellors are dedicated to helping each client in a safe and friendly environment.

Proper support can lead to positive changes in overcoming the obstacles that put relationships at risk. While opening up to someone new may seem daunting, accredited counsellors strive to create a welcoming space for every client.

Early intervention may improve outcomes, however, it is not unusual for couples to go six years or more after the problem arises before seeking help. 

While it is seldom too late, sometimes deeply entrenched, hurtful patterns of communication cannot be reversed after many years of misunderstanding and alienation.

Seeking support at the onset of an issue or when it starts significantly affecting your life can lead to more favourable outcomes.

Ros Yuen Psychology

Discovering the Impact of Relationship Counselling

Relationship counselling varies for each client but centres around evidence-based approaches customised to suit each couple’s needs.

Every relationship counselling session is structured around the couple’s specific needs, boundaries, and aspirations. As we progress through therapy, we’ll assess your development and adapt accordingly.

Ros Yuen Psychology

Common Questions About Couples Counselling

I’m pleased and experienced to provide support and guidance to anyone grappling with the intricacies of relationships, whether it’s a single person or multiple individuals integral to the partnership. Based in Leabrook, I cater to residents of this area, but I also offer telehealth appointments as needed. Nonetheless, I strongly advise prioritising in-person sessions whenever possible.

Relationship counselling costs are customised to suit individual requirements. Visit my website to learn more about session fees and pricing details.

Psychology and mental health treatments don’t offer guaranteed success. Numerous factors interact, shaping outcomes positively or negatively.

Examples of factors that might support favourable outcomes include a strong commitment to therapy and active participation in interventions, as well as the complexity of the issues and relationships involved. Obstacles to success could include a lack of rapport with the therapist and a reluctance to work towards common goals.

Couples encounter diverse challenges, and the outcomes of counselling sessions may differ even when addressing similar issues.

There is never a one-size-fits-all approach to relationship and mental health therapy. This means that time frames differ from couple to couple.

The results are individualised to the people in the relationship, and we can explore these nuances in depth during our sessions.

During your initial session, we’ll pinpoint your primary concerns and issues, aiding me in devising a tailored therapy plan. Our discussions may encompass topics like conflict resolution, communication skills, stress management, enhancing intimacy, and cultivating strategies to nurture positivity in your relationship.

While relationship counselling is linked heavily to the partnership as a whole, a psychologist is also trained to assess individual factors that may contribute to the couple’s difficulties.

For example, what may appear as a sudden shift in behaviour towards the partner could stem from a traumatic event unrelated to the relationship.

Generally, sessions will involve both parties, but individual sessions may be integrated into the process if it’s deemed advantageous for both individuals.

Ros Yuen Psychology

What Sets Dr. Ros Yuen Apart for Relationship Counselling?

Couples Counselling Adelaide

Experienced Consultations

Backed by years of experience and professional qualifications, I deliver thorough, evidence-based relationship counselling.

Couples counselling is my primary focus, specialising in facilitating effective communication and conflict resolution for couples.

Gottman trained therapist Adelaide

Tailored relationship counselling crafted to address individual needs and aspirations often yields positive results for many clients.

My experience in delivering this specialised therapy enables me to effectively tackle various challenges that couples may encounter in their relationship.

Family Therapy Adelaide

Direct Interaction

Primarily, I offer office-based services, which can be supplemented by telehealth sessions as needed following initial consultations at my Leabrook office.

Ros Yuen Psychology
Ros Yuen Psychology

Are You Prepared to Book Marriage Counselling in Leabrook?

Experienced and devoted healthcare professionals and relationship counsellors specialise in guiding couples through relationship obstacles and addressing associated concerns. My aim is to equip you and your partner with the tools to improve communication and build a relationship that is stronger, healthier, and more satisfying.

Ready to start relationship counselling in Leabrook? Contact me to learn more and set up your initial session.

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316 The Parade, Kensington SA 5068
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(08) 8363 3974