316 The Parade, Kensington SA 5068
Ros Yuen Psychology

Kensington Psychologist

I may be able to support you

Seeking help is nothing to be ashamed about. Everybody goes through challenges and seeking help is not something to be ashamed of.

With years of experience in psychology and family therapy, I can offer valuable assistance, support, and direction.

Hello, my name is Ros Yuen, I am a psychologist and family therapist practicing at Kensington.

Welcome, I’m Ros Yuen, a psychologist focusing on family therapy, conveniently located near Kensington.

My objective is to work alongside you to cultivate practical and meaningful shifts in your life if that’s what you seek. I aim to challenge the entrenched patterns of cognition, emotion, and behaviour that sustain your distress, and to introduce new techniques to empower you in moving forward.

My passion lies in helping individuals overcome stress and trauma, ease anxiety, defeat depression, and foster nourishing relationships. In today’s world, mastering the ability to cultivate inner peace by managing our thoughts and actions is crucial. It’s about embracing what we can influence while releasing the grip on what’s beyond our control—learning to navigate life’s currents without trying to alter its natural course.

My services primarily take place in-office, offering face-to-face sessions, with the flexibility of telehealth consultations when necessary. For mental health emergencies, individuals will be promptly referred to the SA Mental Health Triage Services by calling 131465.

Ros Yuen


Member Australian Psychological Society
Ros Yuen Psychology

Psychological Assistance

Fostering positive momentum towards healthier and more resilient relationships with the support of a mental health professional has the potential to be pivotal in your life.

Partnering with me means embarking on a transformative path towards a more fulfilling life. I’m dedicated to helping you cultivate essential skills and effective strategies tailored to improve your relationships. My focus areas include enhancing couple and family dynamics and ensuring holistic support along your journey.

It’s natural for intimate relationships to experience fluctuations, potentially leading to challenging issues that can be overwhelming to tackle alone.

The fabric of family ties is comprised of diverse perspectives, objectives, behaviours, and interactions. These elements can give rise to intricate dynamics that pose challenges to the happiness and wellness of all involved.

As families evolve, it’s a journey filled with both joys and challenges. Blended families, in particular, encounter distinct hurdles that call for a thoughtful and nuanced approach to navigate successfully.

Relationships with narcissists can initially seem thrilling and enjoyable, but as genuine care diminishes, they can swiftly turn sour, revealing their detrimental nature.

Various factors unique to same-sex couples need a comprehensive approach from a skilled professional who understands their specific needs.

Challenges like workplace intimidation or harassment can be incredibly daunting to navigate, given their intricate dynamics. Seeking professional support could prove pivotal in addressing and overcoming such issues.

Ros Yuen Psychology

Frequently Asked Questions

  Individual sessions are priced at $240 for appointments between 8AM and 4PM, and $265 for appointments after 4PM.

Couple consultations are $290 within regular hours and $315 for later appointments.  

{The fee for a family session is $120 per person. | Family sessions are charged at $120 per person. | Family sessions are $120 per person. | Family sessions are priced at $120 per person. | 

Visit our INFORMATION PAGE for comprehensive details on fees and payment options.

Yes, I do provide online consultations using Zoom and Phone sessions. Ideally, I prefer to have had an initial in-person meeting or two with clients before moving to online sessions. However, it’s important to note that some interventions, especially those designed for couples, may be more challenging to conduct effectively in an online format.

If you have Private Health Insurance with Extras covering Psychology services, you may be eligible to claim a rebate from your Health Fund. As policies and coverage levels vary among Funds, it’s advisable to verify directly with your Health Fund for details.

Medicare offers rebates for individuals, not couples, through a Mental Health Plan prescribed by your GP. This plan remains valid for 12 months, during which you can access up to 10 sessions. Initially, your GP may assign 6 sessions, with the possibility of an additional 4 sessions after a review consultation.

For additional information on available rebates, please refer to this link.

Your privacy is our priority, and confidentiality is upheld throughout our sessions. Psychologists are bound by professional standards and legal obligations to maintain confidentiality, with exceptions only in cases of court subpoenas or when there’s a genuine risk of harm to you or others, necessitating mandated reporting.

Psychologists are mandated reporters under the Firearms Regulations 2017. We are required to report suspected firearm injuries or any unsafe situations with firearms.

Psychologists are mandated reporters and must report any reasonable suspicion of harm to a child or young person.

You can find more information on privacy and your legal rights here.

When you arrive, you’ll be asked to fill out an intake form in the waiting room. The first session is dedicated to exploring your concerns, with my gentle guidance to unearth any underlying issues. You’ll also have the chance to experience my interpersonal style and determine if it resonates with you. Typically, the intake process spans two sessions, and during the initial session, my primary focus is on being an empathetic listener, fully present to your needs.

We require a minimum of 48 business hours notice so that cancelled appointments can be offered to those on the waiting list. If cancellation occurs less than 48 business hours before the appointment and in the case of non-attendance, full fees will be charged. You can read more on our cancellation policy here.

Ros Yuen Psychology
Ros Yuen Psychology

Are you interested in booking an appointment?

Whether you’re grappling with challenges in your romantic relationship or navigating complexities within your family or social circles, you can explore informative resources online here. Start your journey by booking your initial consultation with me online.

Gottman Relationship Therapy

Adapting various approaches to address specific issues is crucial to meet the unique needs of individuals or couples. One effective technique I utilise is called the Gottman Method.

In couples therapy and marriage counselling, this approach emphasises three relationship profiles: the friendship profile, the conflict profile, and the shared meanings profile.

Interventions are customised to address the unique strengths and weaknesses of a couple’s relationship based on these profiles. Special attention is given to perpetual issues, solvable problems, and enhancing conflict resolution and communication skills.

Gottman Method
Ros Yuen Psychology

Do you struggle with…?

While anger is a natural human emotion, it can become problematic when expressed destructively. Understanding your anger is key to its management. Identify triggers, recognise warning signs, and adopt effective coping strategies.

Ongoing worry or thoughts that are distressing and that interfere with daily living. 

Feeling anxious is part of being human, but when it becomes sustained or reaches unmanageable levels, anxiety is no longer a normal response to certain situations.

Compulsion can be serious as it can impair the way one functions in many areas. 

If your behaviour or actions are worrying you or your loved ones and are negatively affecting your life, you may benefit from comprehensive treatment that is developed for your specific needs.

People go through periods of feeling down, but being depressed you feel persistently sad. Persistent depression can become a disabling mental health condition.

If you are dealing with symptoms such as low energy levels, decreased interest in your usual passions, or a sense of withdrawal, you may require help for a depressive disorder.

Feeling tense and anxious is a typical description of stress, which can serve as a short-term response, occasionally offering utility despite its discomfort. However, when stress becomes excessive and begins to impede your ability to function effectively, it calls for targeted strategies and coping techniques.

When something very frightening or threatening happens, a psychological wound can occur. 

Traumatic experiences can have a significant impact. Signs and symptoms of issues connected to trauma may be physical, behavioural, emotional, or cognitive.

Obsessional thinking is often paired with repeated behaviour or ritual to reduce anxiety that accompanies the thinking. 

This complex issue is often best dealt with through qualified and experienced professional support.

Issues such as insecure attachment, dismissive-avoidant attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, and anxious-preoccupied attachment typically warrant thorough professional intervention.

Educate yourself on insecure attachment patterns and adopt behaviours that promote secure attachment interactions.

How to make an appointment?

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. The most effective and time efficient way to make an appointment is to click here or use the booking button in the menu bar. Alternatively appointments can be made by telephone. If you want to find out more about the practice or services available please feel free to fill out the contact form and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

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Call or book online

Make an appointment by booking online or ringing reception on (08) 8363 3974.

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Receive a SMS Reminder

Once you have made an appointment, we will send you a message as a reminder.

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What should I bring to my appointment?

In the first appointment, you can expect me to listen carefully to what you say and don’t say. It is natural to feel nervous. You have my utmost respect for being so courageous.

Kensington Practice

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316 The Parade Kensington SA 5068

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Mondays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 8am to 7pm
Wednesday from 2pm to 7pm

Who to contact in an out of hour emergency?

Mental Health Emergency
Suicide Call Back Service
Mensline Australia
Gambling Help Online

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316 The Parade, Kensington SA 5068
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(08) 8363 3974